Parent Guide


Fulham FC Foundation is committed to the wellbeing and safety of all participants and young people who are under the Club’s care or utilising the Club’s facilities. It is the duty of all adults working at the Club to safeguard the welfare of participants and young people by creating an environment that protects them from harm.

The aims of Fulham FC Foundation’s Safeguarding Participants Policy are to:

  • Safeguard all participants and young people who interact with the Club.
  • Demonstrate best practice in the area of Safeguarding participants.
  • Positively reflect and promote the Club Values (Pioneers, Confident Custodians, Action Orientated, Open & Inclusive and Service Excellence) in regard to safeguarding participants.
  • Develop a positive and pro-active welfare programme to enable all participants and young people to participate in an enjoyable and safe environment.
  • Encourage parents and other members of the participant or young person’s family to be involved in a positive relationship with the Club.
  • Ensure that coaches, parents and other adults who come in contact with participants and young people provide good role models of behaviour.
  • Promote high ethical standards throughout the Club.

Fulham FC Foundation's full safeguarding policy is available upon request from

Barnardo's Safeguarding Report 2019

Barnardo's and the Premier League completed their annual safeguarding audit at Fulham FC and Fulham FC Foundation in 2019. The report summarised the work of the Foundation:

"At the heart of their work is a commitment to empowering the most vulnerable members of the communities in which they work. The Foundation meets all of the (safeguarding) standards to a very high standard. Governance and leadership is excellent and there is clear evidence that safeguarding is well embedded in the organisational culture.

Staff working and volunteering at all levels of the Foundation understand their safeguarding responsibilities and there is evidence that the safety and well-being of children and adults at risk is a key consideration in all they do.

The commitment to providing a safe environment for everyone permeates from the highest level down through every aspect of the Foundation and its activities."

For any safeguarding questions, please contact


Code of Conduct

We want everyone attending Fulham FC Foundation activities to have a fun and safe experience and so we have created a Code of Conduct for all participants.

Whilst taking part in our activities, we would like all participants to:

The essentials
  • Keep themselves safe by listening to their coach or tutor, behaving responsibly and speak out when something isn’t right
  • When with us, stay in the places where they are supposed to, not wander off or leave without telling a member of staff
  • Take care of our equipment and premises as if they were their own
  • Bring the correct kit to sessions and wear clothing appropriate for the weather

  • Represent and celebrate difference in our activities and do not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of ability, gender, race or sexual orientation
  • Report any incidents of bullying, including homophobia and transphobia to a member of staff, even if they are just a witness
  • Treat other people with respect and appreciate that everyone has different levels of skill and talent
  • Help make our activities a welcome and friendly place to be
  • Support and encourage their team mates. Tell them when they’ve done well and be there for them when they are struggling
  • Respect our staff
  • Be a good sport, celebrate when we win and be gracious when we lose
  • Play by the rules and have fun
  • Apply our behaviour principles when online

Whilst participating in our activities, we understand participants have the right to:
  • Enjoy the time they spend with us and know that they are safe
  • Be told who they can talk to if something isn’t right
  • Be listened to
  • Be respected by us and other team members and be treated fairly
  • Feel welcomed, valued and not judged based on ability, race, gender or sexuality
  • Be encouraged and develop skills with our help
  • Be looked after and if there’s an accident, injury or incident and have their next of kin informed

Behaviour management
We expect all participants to follow the behaviours and requests set out in this code. If any participant behaves in a way which contradicts any of the points set out above, we’ll address the problem straight away and aim to resolve the issue.

We will always work to support our participants, however, to ensure the safety, welfare and enjoyment for all, our coaches may issue timeouts, yellow cards and formal warnings. Continued or serious breaches of our code of conduct could lead to participants being suspended from our activities. If a serious incident occurs, we will always involve all parties and parents, where relevant. Wherever possible we’ll always try to keep everyone playing.

Covid-19 Participant Guidelines

Keeping everyone safe at all times is our main priority. To help keep everyone safe we need your help. To help us do this, please:

Before the session
  • Arrive on time, not too early. This will ensure we are able to register participants in safely, managing one-way systems, while adhering to social distancing guidelines
  • Come changed and ready to participate. Please make sure shoelaces are tied!
  • Bring at least one full water bottle. Please ensure this is clearly labelled with your name.
  • Bring anti-bacterial hand gel with you. Please ensure this is clearly labelled.
  • Do not bring any food with you.
  • Do not bring anything with you that is not essential – iPads, spare clothes etc.
  • Use the bathroom before you leave home.
  • Be aware of your own personal health. If you show any of the Covid-19 symptoms you must stay at home, inform NHS Test and Trace and seek medical advice.

During the session
  • Listen to your coach at all times.
  • Follow all one-way signage.
  • Do not share any kit or equipment.
  • Stay within the designated playing area and with the group you are placed in.
  • Maintain social distancing of 2 metres from all other participants and coaches when you are not participating.
  • Do not spit. Spitting and the rinsing out of mouths is now a recognised risk to health and must not be done. Avoid shouting or raising your voice near to other players.
  • Practise good hygiene. Wash your hands regularly, including before, during and after.

At the end of the session
  • Double check you have everything. We would usually store belongings left behind in lost property. However, we will not be able to do this currently.
  • Follow the one-way instruction to leave safely, maintaining social distancing.
  • We know you may want to stay and chat to friends, however, please do not stay at the session after it has finished. Please do not congregate nearby to playing areas, one-way paths, or entry and exit points.