What We Do

Holiday Camps

Fulham Soccer Schools run at a number of venues during every holiday period. Our courses cater for boys and girls of all ability levels aged from 3 to fourteen years and are extremely flexible, so you can choose to book daily or weekly. The sessions are a fun and sociable way to develop your participant's footballing ability, no matter their current level.

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Weekly Clubs

If your participant is just starting out in football, could benefit from additional training or is looking to take their existing game to the next level, come and join our coaches every week at any one of our Skills Club venues. Sessions take place primarily at weekends, with some sessions running after school. Players often get the opportunity to play in fixtures as part of weekly clubs.

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Whilst developing talent isn't our primary goal, we do provide a progression pathway for talented players. The aim of the Performance Centre is to provide strong grassroots footballers between the ages of 6 and 16 with the opportunity to develop their technical and tactical skills and knowledge, through a top level coaching programme. Many courses are invite only and players are invited by showing promise in our regular Soccer Schools or weekly clubs.

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School Clubs

Fulham FC Foundation work with a number of schools partners across London and Surrey. The majority of these sessions take place after school and specifically cater for the pupils attending that school.

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Female Football

Fulham FC Foundation is committed to growing the women's game. Our Women and Girls programme increases participation in football and supports motivated, enthusiastic, and talented players into sustainable club settings.

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Disability Specific

As the first of London's professional football clubs to launch a Down's Syndrome football team in 2005, our commitment to disability and inclusive sport is highly regarded. From Inclusive Champions tennis to Active Autism, our football provision for young boys and girls on the autism spectrum, and pan-disability holiday camps, our programmes provide specialist coaching for people of all ages with varied disabilities.

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Adult Health

Our health programmes focus on creating healthier lifestyles and supporting people to address health issues. We are proud to offer a number of targeted health programmes aimed at increasing physical activity and socialisation, including Walking Football, Fulham Fit and Sporting Memories.

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